
Mob Mentality Sucks

DaGoddess @ 04:30

Once again, Syl Arena comes at a subject with a healthy dose of common sense and explains it carefully to those who have a difficult time understanding more technical terms (which is often me). This time, it’s not photography per se, but Operation Payback and its impact on those who are creative and/or those who earn an honest living.

Operation Payback Is An Attack Against All of Us:

I say the real targets of Operation Payback are you and me. Operation Payback claims to be fighting “against major anti-piracy & anti-freedom entities.” With all respect due to the comedic Capt’n Jack Sparrow, I don’t see how piracy and freedom are two related causes. Nor do I see how keeping me from accessing my money ($18.40 at PayPal, $0 at the Swiss bank) represents a fight for freedom. Actually, all of this only serves to alienate me from the whole Wikileaks community.

And you thought I wasn’t paying attention, didn’t you?

Hope you have a great weekend. Company hits town today and I’m planning on being too busy for anything other than fun (and a little fear as mentioned in the last post).

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