Veterans Day
How do you thank someone you’ve never met? How do you let them know you appreciate their efforts to keep you safe and free?
All I can think is to say, “Thank you!” and to support organizations that help our military and their families. The Soldiers’ Angels, Cooking With The Troops, Tell Them Thanks, Wounded Warrior Project, and many other great service groups out there who share the deep sense of honor and appreciation that we feel. (Some of these groups can be found here.)
In a world where it is increasingly easier for us to shut our doors and turn a deaf ear to the needs of others, it has become even more imperative for us to reach out to the military community and give words of thanks, hugs, buy a vet a cup of coffee, put a smile on a child’s face, say a prayer, plant a flower or tree in someone’s honor, make a donation to an organization, VOLUNTEER with an organization. Do something.
Without our military, our freedom is not guaranteed. Our safety is not guaranteed. Men and women stand at the ready, near to home and far away, always ready to defend us…always ready to defend you, defend your children, your parents, your neighbors, and mine. They make sacrifices so that we remain free.
Go say thank you…some how, some way…you’ll feel something well up within you that you never knew existed.
And it would be remiss if I didn’t remind all that today is the final day of the Soldiers’ Angels Valour-IT fundraiser. A couple dollars donated to providing the wounded with voice-activated laptops while they recover from injuries is a fantastic way to start saying THANK YOU, US MILITARY and FAMILIES!
Special thank yous go out to my father (Navy), my ex-husband, his dad, his uncle and aunt (Marines) and his cousin (Navy and Coast Guard), and to the many friends and their families who have given of themselves. More thanks to the families and organizations with whom I’ve worked over the last several years. Thank you!
Pam also has a list of places offering free or discounted food or services today.
[…] us. And then I was wondering what else to post when I saw DaGoddess post and she did a great job. GO HERE to read what she has to […]
Pingback by One Happy Dog Speaks ยป Blog Archive » Veteran’s Day — 2010/11/11 @ 05:50
filching :flag:
Comment by patti — 2010/11/11 @ 06:25
Happy Veteran’s Day! Very well said! :thumbs:
Comment by pam — 2010/11/11 @ 06:48
Great Thank a Veteran Post!
I’ll thank my brother (Gulf I), father (Viet Nam), grandfather (WWII), great-grandfather and his brother (WWI), multiple great-great-great-grandfathers (Civil War, both sides), ad infinitum, going all the way back to great^X-uncle Benjamin Bussey who fought in the Revolutionary war. Thank goodness for every one of them, and may they all rest in peace. (Except my dad who’s still alive.)
Comment by Jan — 2010/11/11 @ 09:08
I’m with Jan. Great Veteran’s Post!
Comment by Lemon Stand — 2010/11/11 @ 19:48
Thanks gang. And thank you for being the sort of friends and readers who feel the same about our military! Y’all rock!
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/11/13 @ 02:56