Goodbye, Dennis Hopper
May 17, 1936 – May 29, 2010
I loved Hopper. He was smart, funny, and altogether human. His artistic expression reached far beyond acting. He was a photographer, painter, sculptor, poet, writer, and director.
He was a wonderful guest on the Late Late Show — he and Craig Ferguson shared a birthday. They also shared a love of art and humor. He comes in right around the one minute mark in this video.
Dennis Hopper died of complications related to prostate cancer.
Sleep well, Mr. Hopper. You will be missed.
Filed under: Currents ~ Comments (4)
He seemed like a great guy.
Isn’t it time they came up with a cure for cancer? :(
Comment by Pam — 2010/05/30 @ 06:32
That was Celebrity #3. Art Linkletter, Gary Coleman, and now Dennis Hopper all in one week. :(
Comment by diamond dave — 2010/05/30 @ 08:51
And I know this makes me sound freaky, but my most lasting image of Dennis Hopper was his portrayal of the thoroughly twisted Frank Booth in the movie Blue Velvet.
Comment by diamond dave — 2010/05/30 @ 08:54
Yes, I was sad to hear about Art Linkletter and Gary Coleman, too…more Linkletter than Coleman just because I grew up reading Linkletter’s book of kid sayings. It’s been a horrible week for celebrities all the way around.
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/30 @ 13:37