Memorial Day
This is the first time in years that Little Dude and I won’t be walking amongst heroes at Ft. Rosecrans over Memorial Day weekend. This causes my heart a good deal of pain. Not only is it tradition, but it’s something that means a great deal to both of us.
LD won’t be there. His dad opted to send him camping. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but then again I realize it’s not my decision. Also, as LD and I have discussed, only one of us at Ft. Rosecrans placing flags isn’t quite the same without the other.
Still, it hurts my heart to know that neither of us will be there. I can’t seem to find anything in Vegas that would give me the opportunity to do something similar. But I continue to look.
So, Memorial Day. Dare I even try to write anything new? I don’t think I can write anything better that what I’ve in the past. Yet, I don’t feel right not saying anything.
I’ve said this many times before: I’m unabashedly patriotic. I don’t think we are a perfect nation by any means, but I do believe we offer more than any other country and I believe we are an incredible example of what democracy and liberty are all about. We are a great country and this country was borne of the efforts and from the blood of those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms. We can never take that for granted, nor should we ever forget. It is the one duty to which we are tasked. That is our piece of the puzzle.
And so it will be that this weekend I will find a way to do my part, to remember, to share, and to wave my flag. I hope, in between barbeques and beers, others do the same. I know you, gentle readers, will be doing your part. I know this because I know the quality of your character and I know the kind of heart that beats within you.
Photos from 2008:
You guys are there in your hearts.
And… you’re right about this country. Nothing I can add to that.
Comment by Pam — 2010/05/29 @ 13:31
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/31 @ 14:36
That was so beautiful. Thank you Joanie.
And you are so right Pam.
Comment by Mike D. — 2010/05/31 @ 19:52
We’re all in this together, Mike. If we can’t take a moment to remember, what’s the point? We owe everything to our military and their families.
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/31 @ 20:08
My late brother-in-law is buried there. It’s a beautiful place. I was very impressed when I went there. I can see how something like that can become importand to you and LD. :flag:
Comment by Retired Navy CPO — 2010/06/01 @ 07:42
You’ll have to let me know where your brother-in-law is buried and the next time I’m there, I will visit.
Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/06/01 @ 14:22