Hot Cajun Pt. 2
Because I can. And then I must sleep. This post has already kept me up longer than it should. Like an HOUR longer. Silly me can’t code.
Oh, and by the way, note to self and other interested parties: using a new computer means none of your old files are on hand. No rhino watermark, no awesome fonts, and arrrrrrrrghh! And the current java doesn’t work with WP. I can’t seem to find the older version to download yet. Sigh. All my favorite settings with PSP X2 have to be re-entered. Just sayin’ cuz I can’t seem to stop.
Only edits were cropped to size and the addition of LRP. Otherwise, SOOC.
In the last photo: Tab, Buster, Doug Gay (Tab’s drummer), and I want to say his name is Mike…but that last guy, I’m not 100% on at the moment.
This was a hassle getting the photos posted. Enjoy because I may kick the computer to do what I want it to do and it’s not doing it.
HOT!!! :nana:
Comment by Pam — 2009/12/18 @ 10:14
Do I dare post the photo of me with Tab?
Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/12/18 @ 14:38