
The Nonaduce and the Cowboys

DaGoddess @ 13:04

We were sitting in the bar last night, just waiting for the band to start up again. The fireplace was warm and I was sitting with my back to the door. Every time it opened, a blast of cold air would fill the place. It was a bit of a relief actually. And then Buster said, “Danny Bonaduce just walked in.” Now, I couldn’t see the guy but I thought about the odds of a celeb of any sort visiting this part of town. I was very skeptical. As was our friend who was with us.

Turned out she and i were right and he was wrong, but he said, “you know, I’m calling my mom tomorrow and telling her I saw Bonaduce anyway. She’ll say ‘who?’ and I’ll tell her the cute little red headed kid from the Partridge Family. And ‘see? It was a good thing for me to move to Vegas all those years ago.'” Obviously he’d had a little too much to drink even at that point.

So our friend and I began the conversation about cute guys. You know, the sort who probably shouldn’t be cute but are because of muscles. Now, I’m not a huge “big muscle” fan, per se, but there is something striking about a man who works out. (I know, Little Miss Flab and all that…blah blah blah. Whatever.) On the list were Danny Bonaduce and Carrot Top. Yes, I know! Neither should be on that list. Yet they are. Perhaps it was my cough syrup. I don’t know. But we did utter those words and we can’t take ’em back. Yes, I’m going with the cough syrup theory. And the fact that I probably shouldn’t have been out yet in the first place.

However, we somehow went from muscle-bound to cowboys in their awesome jeans, boots, and hats. I think we both started salivating at one point. It was rather unbecoming, but I didn’t care. All that talk took me back to a place in time where I was often pressed up close against cowboys and loving it. I kind of miss those days. Oh, I don’t miss the stupid girl I was back then, but I do miss the fun and the dancing and overall smaller physique I bore. Makes me almost wish I’d been well enough to hit the rodeo grounds this past week.

Ah to be bowlegged and young.

Here’s to the Nonaduce and the Cowboys!


  1. :toast:

    Comment by patti — 2009/12/13 @ 16:09

  2. Reminds me of the time RJ and I didn’t see Debbie Reynolds at Costco.

    Comment by Carolyn — 2009/12/15 @ 14:35

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