So Far Behind! (But I’m Trying to Catch Up!)
My goodness, I am so very far behind. My apologies to all. Especially to Mannequin and our Remember When project (I have two to finish and post); Deb and her Prompts…several to be written; and most importantly to Soldiers’ Angels and the Valour-IT fundraiser. donate to the Navy team!!)
In a very special nutshell, here’s what Valour-IT is about:
Project Valour-IT helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries. Items supplied include:
- Voice-controlled Laptops – Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery.
- Wii Video Game Systems – Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions (donated only to medical facilities).
- Personal GPS – Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to severe TBI and severe PTSD.
I promise to give you all a much more loving overview of what your donations can do for our wounded.
In the meantime, without being too awfully long-winded, let me just say everything here is in a major state of flux and I barely have time to scratch my own ass at the moment. Anyone in San Diego/Poway/Rancho Bernardo who has 1) the ability to pack quickly and 2) a vehicle to help me move…I must be out of the apartment THIS WEEKEND. Leave a comment, gimme a call, drop me an email and we’ll discuss. Bonus points if you have a car I can borrow for three hours tomorrow.
I’ll be back.
Until then, go check out Valour-IT and kick in a couple bucks to help shorten the distance between the hospital bed and home.
Love you all!
So how far away does it look like you’ll end up?
Comment by diamond dave — 2009/11/03 @ 05:22
Oh, shoot, woman. What’s up with that? Drop me a line when you have time.
Comment by GW — 2009/11/03 @ 06:57
Dave and Kimberley, I’ll email you that answer.
Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/11/03 @ 12:27
That’s busy, when you don’t even have time to scratch your own, um, yeah. Hope things settle down quick!
Comment by Theresa — 2009/11/04 @ 03:52
Anything I can do to help?
Comment by Omnibus Driver — 2009/11/04 @ 08:44