Overwhelming Gratitude
Do you realize what you’ve done? Do you?
$13,205.00 was raised for this year. A recession year, too. Our goal was $10,000 and you beat it by a mile. Now, you have us scratching our heads on how to make next year better, how to raise a minimum of $15,000 for the Susan G. Komen For The Cure. We’re aiming high because YOU’VE set the standard and shown us that of which you are made.
If we can pull this off during a recession, what can we do next year when we’re all a little more prosperous? And we will be. I have a list of goals for myself between now and next year that will include a percentage of my business earnings to be donated to Boobie-Thon. And if my friends want me to take beautiful photos of their breasts so they can contribute in that manner, you better believe I’ll do it. I’m starting in August on that one!
Thank you so much for donating, for giving hope to those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. You are amazing individuals. You are heroes.
God bless you! Thank you!
Don’t forget to keep on giving through Komen or BCA or ACS just because it’s a disease that never rests, never relents, never quietly goes away. It must be fought head on 24/7. Do your monthly breast self-exams. Teach your daughters how to do them. Teach your friends. Men, help your wives and girlfriends with their exams, and don’t forget to check yourselves, too, because you run a risk of developing breast cancer, too. It’s not as high a risk as women run, but it’s there nevertheless. So check!
And keep checking.
We’ll be back next year and we hope to have many more healthy, happy participants along for the ride.
P.S. For anyone who would like to still get a great deal on my photographs offered during this fundraiser, the continued limited selection and short run selection will be available throughout the Valour-IT fundraiser that’s coming up shortly. $50 each or any 3 for $125, logo-free, digital downloads, lab directions, etc. All yours, baby! And for a good cause. And for good measure, 10% of single image downloads goes to the charity of your choice, while 25% of the 3-fer deal will go to the charity of your choosing. How’s that for a deal?
Thank YOU for all you do to get us motivated, my friend!
Comment by Omnibus Driver — 2009/10/08 @ 14:36