

DaGoddess @ 05:00

Green texture

I love textures and can’t help but make more images of them than is probably necessary. What makes each one different is, well, everything! Color, the depth of a brush stroke or erosion, light, angles of scratches, all of it. It’s all intriguing to me. This is just one of many I discovered in Alaska.

I’m still working furiously on OpLove photos, so it’s all catch as catch can around here. Wish me luck. I have only this week to get caught up.


  1. I love green, especially your way.

    Comment by Cheri @ Blog This Mom! — 2009/07/22 @ 10:19

  2. Thanks, Cheri. I’m pretty sure you already saw the others on Flickr, eh?

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/07/22 @ 11:38

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