I got 2nd place on the caption contest over at Cowboy Blob’s.
Also, one of my photos made the iHeartFaces montage (fourth set down, bottom right corner — saving the best for last, perhaps?) finally. Maybe one of these days I’ll actually win one of their weekly dealios. Of course, I could enter more often. That might help, huh?
Just got the coolest call. I’d written this haiku wherein the subject was “ratio, percentage or dimensionless proportionality” (I read it as disproportionate because I was inattentive and in a hurry to write something, anything), right? And my friend had written some lyrics, then read my haiku and called because they were so similar. Weird, eh? Although, honestly, the lyrics were better than my haiku. In fact, I dare saw the lyrics are brilliant.
Let’s see, what else? I’m 98% packed for Alaska. And I’m 90% done backing up all my photo files for the week.
Oh, I happen to know “really famous and talented people”, or at least that’s what I’m told. I do have the funniest and best friends. They keep me laughing more than I have a right to.
Now if only I could win the lottery, everything would be perfect.
That’s my line. :biggrin:
Congrats on the wins! :thumbs:
Comment by pamibe — 2009/06/25 @ 05:40
Packed for Alaska, huh? Was not aware you were going. Well, maybe I read something about it here but didn’t file it in my brain’s “to keep” drawer.
I trust Dutch Harbor is on your itinerary?
Comment by Stu — 2009/06/25 @ 06:28
Fairbanks. For the weekend.
Silly me. I get just over an hour in SEA each way. Otherwise I’d say, come meet me!
There will be stories. Don’t worry. There will be. There always are.
And Pam, you already won the lottery with Artie!
Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/06/25 @ 13:56