Merry Christmas
Every year, this is how I celebrate.
Merry Christmas, friends! May you always remember the best moments of life and love today. You are loved. You are valued. You are seen. Merry Christmas.
Friends are like bras; a good one never lets you down
Every year, this is how I celebrate.
Merry Christmas, friends! May you always remember the best moments of life and love today. You are loved. You are valued. You are seen. Merry Christmas.
Here’s Justin Hines.
I’m pretty sure I post these videos every Christmas Eve and I love each of them more with each passing year.
One of my favorite songs for this time of year.
Not that I come close to baby Jesus or even the Great and Holy Theotokos, but a manger has been found and I am thrilled.
It’s good to have the search finally over.
Now, I can focus on getting healthy again. We’ve all been sick here. This is round two. It’s kicked our asses. I’m at the blowing my nose and getting grayish-brownish-greenish goo or blood. The sore throat is abating. The body aches are barely existent. All signs that I’m going in the right direction. Small wins are still wins.
I was going to post a video for Away in a Manger, but I couldn’t find a version I liked. Instead, I bring you The Season’s Upon Us from the Dropkick Murphys.
May you be warm, cozy, and comfortable as Christmas Eve Eve progresses.
I’ve been MIA for a long time, obviously. My excuse? Dealing with crazy ass people, moving (three times in less than three months), dealing with nice people, trying to get some semblance of normalcy (quit laughing!) in my life, dealing with grief throughout all of this insanity, etc., etc., etc.
Currently looking for a new place to live and actually call home for at least a year. At this point, I don’t care where it is. I just want to be somewhere drama-free, affordable, and comfortable.
Adventures in house hunting: -30/10. Do NOT recommend. Ever. Particularly, and this is the least crazy, the man who showed me around the place (it was nice) and offered to knock off $300 if I would fuck him whenever he wanted. Oh, and it might not always be him. He might send a friend to have some fun. As I slowly backed out of the house, I thanked him, told him I wasn’t interested, and, as I closed the door, said he was fucking insane.
My head feels all ‘splodey. Good times.
I have until the 1st to find somewhere. I’m trying to find someplace sooner because I’m living with three other people (one of whom requires total care), two dogs, and four cats. It’s a two bedroom house. (Quit laughing!) I actually don’t mind most of it, except for the dogs jumping all over me while I’m trying to sleep, the cats fighting as they try to work out the rules (one human, one dog, two cats are recent additions), and sweeping up enough enough fur to assemble another giant dog every six hours. Today? We added two kids to the mix. Chaos. Good chaos. But, honestly, I would like a little quiet. A little. Just a smidgen.
I would also like to sleep for approximately three weeks. Sigh.
Other than that, life is bordering on Dullsville. What’s up with you?