
2021 – Day 7

Da Goddess @ 02:07

Dad would’ve turned 90 today.

I miss him terribly at times. Other times, I’m grateful he’s out of pain and not witnessing the insanity of the past year. Hell, the past 24 hours have been crazy enough and likely would have caused him to have a stroke or a heart attack or something.

I think about my dad so often

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, it’s almost as if he’s still here. There are many things that bring him to mind, but mostly I feel as though he’s just down the road a few miles, sitting in his favorite chair, watching races or car auctions, or maybe picking tangerines from his tree.

There’s something comforting in feeling his presence. I know he’s gone, yet I feel him near, guiding me, reminding me to keep on keepin’ on.

Miss you, Dad! Happy birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Dad in Heaven!

    Comment by pam — 2021/01/08 @ 02:51

  2. Thanks, sweetie. It was a weird day. Don’t know if I’ll ever get to the point where it isn’t odd, but my older sister and I made the best of it as we went to get things for Mom, pick up prescriptions for me, and did some banking. It was good to be with her and do something productive.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2021/01/08 @ 10:50

  3. I’m like you; I remember birth dates. I know some who remember death dates and treat them as… not exactly holy, but they become maudlin and perform rituals like releasing balloons, etc…

    Don’t understand it, but everyone’s different.

    Your Dad is still with you. I believe that with every fiber of my being. Hugs!

    Comment by pam — 2021/01/10 @ 05:51

  4. I remember death dates. It’s just nice to acknowledge birthdays, too.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2021/01/13 @ 14:20

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