
Update on Mom

Da Goddess @ 15:09

Mom texted me this morning to say she’s feeling better, which is always good news.

C texted to let me know the docs are going to switch Mom over to oral antibiotics. Also good news.

There’s a solid plan in place as to getting Mom back on her feet. This is far better than “comfort measures only”.

I’m putting this in the win column. We’re going to celebrate every little victory we get.


  1. I’d not seen that your Mom had taken ill! So happy to hear that they have a positive plan now! Praying for her and the medical team who are steering her care.

    Comment by pam — 2018/05/27 @ 06:18

  2. She had a bad night and C says she’s getting sleep now, to which I say HELLS YEAH!

    So, yeah, this is her second hospitalization in just around two weeks. I’m both surprised and not surprised. Mostly, I’m just selfish and want her healthy so I can have more time with her.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2018/05/27 @ 11:10

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