

Da Goddess @ 00:13

King Arthur got me a curling iron last week and I finally got a chance to use it the other night before the gallery show. My hair was actually lovely once it was all curled and smoothed. Sadly, the gallery was packed with bodies and that meant humidity. Within moments, I’d lost the curls and was left with some frizz on top of my normal natural waves. Not a tragedy by any means, of course, but it was a bit disappointing after I’d spent such time on doing it.

What I want to know is how celebrities manage to keep their hair so gorgeous on those nights when they’re jammed into rooms stuffed with people.



  1. I wish I knew! My hair (what’s left) is so thin and fine… whatever I do to it is gone as soon as I walk out the door!

    …which is why I just have it all cut off every six weeks or so.

    Lots of product, maybe? Though I have twenty different types of ‘hold’ here that my stylist has recommended. None *really* work. Sigh.

    Bet you looked divine before it fell, though.

    Comment by pam — 2014/01/14 @ 05:38

  2. The curling iron came with argan oil, which made it smooth and luscious. Humidity is such a damn bitch

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2014/01/14 @ 11:21

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