
The Theme Was Steam

Da Goddess @ 21:40

Left nostril stuffed up
Decongestant didn’t work
Time for good old steam

And that, my friends, is probably my favorite haiku I’ve ever written


  1. At least you can breathe through one more than I can right now.

    Pass the neti pot?

    Comment by diamond dave — 2012/06/27 @ 05:19

  2. No neti pot for me. I stick with sterile saline spray. I can’t afford MORE bacteria settling in my sinus cavities.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Know what helped me? Having meds pushed through my IV without dilution (I swore, I kicked, I yelled, and I think I tore off someone’s testicle), being unconcious fcr 30 minutes, eating some BBQ, and then drinking a milkshake.

    I’m thinking it was the gonad sacrifice that did the trick.

    Comment by Da Goddess — 2012/06/27 @ 18:30

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