

DaGoddess @ 12:31

Yesterday, as Little Dude and I were driving out toward the goddess temple (his choice of destinations), we spotted multiple rainbow clouds. Wisps of clouds lit with brilliant prismatic colors. Some would appear on both sides of the sun, some would be close to the sun, some would just form a column. No matter what shape they took or where they were, they were spectacular and we pulled over to the side of the road more than once to just marvel.

We also spent plenty of time gauging how low the snow was in the nearby hills and mountains. One thing was certain, it was much lower than I’d thought. Today, we go find out for sure.

It’s been sort of magical here. All the things we’ve seen, all the conversations, it’s magic. I wish Mojo were here, too, but since she’s not, I’m making the most of having LD in the house again.


  1. I know you’re enjoying just being together again! Hugs to LD! :hug:

    Comment by pam — 2010/12/29 @ 13:17

  2. Lots and lots of hugs all over the place! Yeah, we’re having fun. It’s nice to share experiences with him because he’s still enjoying them, you know? I know there’ll come a day when he wants nothing to do with me, so I’m saving up memories like a squirrel does nuts in winter.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/12/30 @ 04:34

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