
Day Two

DaGoddess @ 15:39

I’m on my second day of a nasty sinus thing. Painful congestion, nasty drainage, nausea from aforementioned drainage, slighty sore throat (it was worse yesterday), adorable raw nose, watery eyes, and a rapidly growing pile of icky tissues. My price for having fun this weekend or just weather-related? I dunno. Maybe both. All I know is that I’m miserable and can barely focus.

Quote from my friend who called: “You sound like a dying animal. You know, the kind of animal with a terrible vocalization anyway. Like a peacock or a howler monkey. Somehow you make it sound even worse.” Gee, thanks.

Can someone please come put me out of my misery?

P.S. I could be wrong. I think this may actually be the plague.

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