

DaGoddess @ 04:00

Yes, I’m 44 today.

There have been times in my life when I didn’t think I’d live to see this age. There have been times in my life when I didn’t WANT to see this age. I’m glad I’m here, though.

I don’t feel any different than I did last year except for a couple things: I’m more a peace; I’m more comfortable in my own skin; I feel good about the path I’m on; I’m not angry like I used to be.

I used to dread birthdays. I hated that people forgot my birthday, that I never got a surprise party or presents or whatever. I felt very much on the outside of my own life. You know what? I got over it and over myself. If I can’t celebrate ME, what’s the point? And so I do celebrate me.

Since it’s my birthday, here are two images from my at the dry lake bed…in my birthday suit.

Thanks to T for the awesome images!

Super big thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes my way over on Facebook!


  1. Wonderful. What stunning photos. Terrific way to mark your birthday.

    Comment by Marn, eh — 2010/05/18 @ 07:10

  2. Happy Birthday! I looove those shots!!!!! :hug:

    Let’s partay!
    :yay: :nana: :cocktail: :may: :yay:

    Comment by Pam — 2010/05/18 @ 07:34

  3. I really like the first one :biggrin: loverly.

    And I have always been the same about birthdays, somewhat ambivalent now.

    As for comfortable in my skin, I’m older than you and we’ve already had this conversation ;)

    And happy birthday to you :may: :may: :cocktail: :princess: :cocktail: :may: :may:

    Comment by patti — 2010/05/18 @ 10:44

  4. Happy Birthday! And is that your age, or the size of your *smack*. Sorry…I deserved that. Just envious.

    I’m almost a year ahead of you…but I don’t have any cool pictures like yours!

    Comment by Mrs. Who — 2010/05/18 @ 14:40

  5. :grouphug:

    Thank you all! You’ve made this a pretty awesome life.


    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/18 @ 15:20

  6. Happy Birthday! Stand up! :nana:

    Comment by Stu — 2010/05/19 @ 07:05

  7. Thanks, Stu!

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2010/05/19 @ 10:49

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