
Happy Thanksgiving!

DaGoddess @ 04:00

First, let me thank all of you for making this year so special. If not for you, I don’t know how I’d have made it through.

Y’all helped me keep my wits about me when I thought I was losing it. You encouraged me to keep going when I felt like giving up. You hit the tip jar to help keep a roof over our heads or pay bills. You supported my favorite charities. You loved me when I felt unlovable. You know, all the stuff that some take for granted but that I find absolutely remarkable and wonderful beyond belief.

It’s been a crazy year, hasn’t it? I don’t know how we powered through so quickly to get to the end of November, yet here we are. Things aren’t perfect, but they’re so much better.

I’m missing my family today. Absolutely. Little Dude and Mojo especially. But beyond my blood relatives, I’m missing much of my extended family — my friends in San Diego, my friends scattered about the country. All of you. The whole stinkin’ bunch of ya. Still, I can’t feel too terrible when I think of how much love and support I’ve received from everyone. It buoys me through the sad moments and reminds me how much I have to be grateful for.

I hope when you all sit down and count your blessings that you find you have many more than you originally imagined, just like I did. And I hope your Thanksgiving is full of love.

From me and a depressed furball, Happy Thanksgiving!

Now go this and smile.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m very thankful to have you as a friend. Hope you have a wonderful day -and night! :hug:

    Comment by Pam — 2009/11/26 @ 05:51

  2. Happy TANKSgiving frum Great Reader!!!

    Ruv you LOOONG time!!! :thumbs: :flag: :bearflag:

    Comment by JihadGene — 2009/11/26 @ 05:55

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Will soon be posting my thankful list for the year. And loved the video, downloaded it before it gets yanked so I can share it with others later. :hug:

    Comment by diamond dave — 2009/11/26 @ 07:20

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Joanie!!! Thankful to have you as a great friend!!! :)

    Comment by Les Zaldor — 2009/11/26 @ 12:18

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! You’ve come a long way this past year.

    Comment by Mrs. Who — 2009/11/26 @ 15:07

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Comment by vw bug — 2009/11/26 @ 16:18

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Day Joanie! :yay:

    Comment by Mary — 2009/11/26 @ 23:45

  8. I am late, but I still want to say it – Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve had some rough times this year and I appreciate the reminder to focus on what I AM thankful for.

    Comment by Theresa — 2009/11/27 @ 08:08

  9. HOpe you are well, and that you had a great Thanksgiving. :-) :may:

    Comment by vodkamom — 2009/11/27 @ 17:48

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