
Sleep Cycle

DaGoddess @ 23:45

I have a sleep cycle. It’s really pretty cool. It’s sparkly powder blue, streamers in pink and purple from the handlebars, super cushy banana seat, and it has four wheels that all turn very quickly inside my head. And every so often, one of the wheels starts to slow. Which causes the others to slow, too. After all, they figure Barney’s stopping for a reason and they want in on the action. Or inaction, as the case may be.

Around 21:30 every Wednesday, I inevitably end up with Barney (or Joe, or Temo — but never Matilda) stopping for a break. I don’t know why, but that’s what happens. I’m working away on my computer or talking to my son, and next thing you know, I’ve dozed off. When I snap to again, I’ve written things, closed out other things, edited stuff, and who knows what else during the time my eyes closed and my brain’s wheel turners have betrayed me.

Nasty little bastards they are. Except Matilda. She’s the one who wakes me up and pedals super fast to catch up and causes my head and my heart to near ’bout go ‘splodey on everything.

The boys messed with my head tonight and I fell asleep at the computer. I had no idea what I’d been working on or how I got to where I got online (I was apparently updating my virus scanner). I’m hoping I didn’t send out any emails. If I did, please take no offense. I’m sure I meant nothing by “your cat will end up saia chfa kdfjas;;lkfs; asekjhfals w rweij in soup”. And any promises made in the last 3 hours are null and void. Just sayin’.

I’m putting the cycle back in the garage, crawling under my soft, warm blanket, and going to sleep.

If you come by and borrow the cycle, watch your ass. You’ll end up in some strange places, doing interesting things. And I can almost guarantee someone’s coming home with a tattoo, complaining about their ass hurting.


  1. Damn, I hate it when that happens! My cycle wakes me up at 3am. I’ll bet you it’s in some kind of sick collusion with yours. Stupid bastards, all.

    Comment by Jan — 2009/10/08 @ 11:56

  2. Yeah, it is getting a little old. I can’t sleep when I’m supposed to (or at least not as well as I should) and it messes with my day.

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/10/08 @ 12:24

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