
My Pen Has Run Dry

DaGoddess @ 02:43

The words have gone from my pen
The ink remains
But it’s as if my pen has run dry
Free of well-crafted phrases
And clever word play

The words have gone from my pen
The ink remains

I wonder if I lit a fire beneath the tip
Would that loosen the grip the pen has on my words?
Or would ink simply pour forth in a messy way?
Would the words fight me if they were still there?
Would they resent being exposed to the elements too soon?

Perhaps I’m the one hiding behind the plastic and ink
It’s my creative well that has come up dry
My words have flown free from my brain, my lips, my fingertips
The alphabet world in which I played so happily
Is now a rusted and broken slide, a swing dangling by one chain

The words have gone from my pen
My pen has run dry

Yeah, I think I’ll stick with that excuse.


  1. But a picture paints a thousand words, and your camera is flush with stories.

    Comment by Cheri @ Blog This Mom! — 2009/07/03 @ 09:10

  2. Awww, Cheri, you are the bestest!

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/07/03 @ 19:20

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