
Proud Day

DaGoddess @ 01:00

For those who may have missed my comment in another post (wherein I grumbled and groused), I have been accepted into the Operation: Love Reunited program as a photographer.

I am proud and honored to be of help to our military families, to give them a boost at a time when they truly need and deserve some morale boosting.

I may need your help to stay on top of things at first, though, so be prepared for the occasional plea of “won’t you hit the tip jar so I can send the family album out?” I hope I only need to ask once or twice until I’m really booking more shoots and the orders for prints come in. Once that happens, I can fully fund these gifts myself. In the meantime, if I do need help…

See? It’s not all about me. Not all the time.

I am as proud to have been accepted into the program as I was the day I received my degree in nursing, as proud as each time I gave birth. This means the world to me. And it happened much sooner than I had thought it would! (Which is why I’m going to be pedaling like crazy to keep up and catch up! They said it could take much longer than it did.)

So, onward!


  1. Congratulations!! Onward and upward! :thumbs:

    Comment by Pam — 2009/04/27 @ 06:36

  2. Congratulations! This is wonderful news and I know they are going to be so pleased with your work. It is always nothing short of amazing.

    Comment by Renee aka Mekhismom — 2009/04/27 @ 06:47

  3. thank you both

    It’s such a small thing to do for people who really deserve so much more. I hope I do each family proud

    Comment by DaGoddess — 2009/04/27 @ 06:49

  4. […] I did tell you I’d ask you for help when the time came. The time has come. Our first big shindig is in two and a half weeks and I must have my portion of the albums paid for prior to that time. What better time to ask than just before Memorial Day Weekend? […]

    Pingback by DaGoddess.com » Placeholder? — 2009/05/20 @ 06:22

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